Saturday, February 9, 2008

What Happened to e-Mail

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been very busy planning something BIG! But back to the topic. What happened to e-mail? Ok let me just back up a bit. 4 months ago I sent my friend a link to Jib-Jabs starring you section. That was 4 months ago. Now my friend is online all the time. He has an AIM account. But this particular day he wasn't online. So I thought "I'll just send him an e-mail and he can read it later." So I did. The next day he was online, and the day after that, and after that. I just assumed he read his e-mail. Yesterday he sent me an instant message saying he just read my email. JUST READ IT. AFTER 4 MONTHS! People READ YOUR EMAIL! Its not useless, it's not obsolete. I use it all the time and you should too.

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