Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sorry, But Back to Buisness

Sorry for the lack of posts. Working on a couple of things including a new podcast. But Back to business...

We all have heard about the big mess that New York State governor Elliot Spitzer is in right now. But Could he have gotten away with it? Was there some flaws in his plan? I'm not condoning what he did but just for fun lets examine this...

We all can admit that Spitzer left a few doors open (literaly and figurativly.) First off is he left the door open. When Christin (the name of the... escort) was to meet Client 9 (Spitzer) he told her that he would leave his hotel room open for her and for her just to go in and wait. Now thats not very safe is it. That did not just leave the door open for Christian, but for a possable assasin. It could have very well happened. So that was mistake number 1.

Next is what about security. He must have security with him 24/7 right. He is (untill monday) the governer of NYS. So... where were they? This makes it allmost impossable to do anything without sombody knowing about it. If he told them to leave they probably stayed. Checked the door every couple minuits and then went back into the hotel room next door. So security was porbably a big problem.

He didn't do it in Las Vegas. Witch one... makes it illegal. And two... what happens in Vegas stayes in Vegas. And to top it all off he flew Christin to Washington. BIG MISTAKE. Now it goes federal.

CREDIT CARD BALENCE! Duh somebody is gonna check the bill. Maybe your wife. Try talking your way out of that one. I know you got some major chash but still over $4,000.

Valentines Day, Thats gonna piss the Mrs. off don't you think?

He called on a cell phone... Payphone for all your dirty work, duh

Chances are they probably weren't quiet. I've been in hotels before. I know how it goes.

And last but not least HE IS THE GOVERNER! Can't you wait till freeken 2010 untill you can knock your rock off. Geeze get out of the stage before you drop your pants.

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